Tuesday 27 December 2016

1.29 Day 29

The sun had barely risen over the horizon when all three toddlers awoke. The trio, completely in synch, let out bloodcurdling shrieks of hunger. It seemed there would be little rest that day. 

Nozomi quickly takes care of their breakfast, but this only enables them to focus on their full bladders. Her phone adds to the cacophony of noise. At least that noise is something she can silence. 
"I'm kind of in the middle of something!" she shouts over the cries of her children. The person on the other end fortunately takes the hint and hangs up, promising to call another time. 
Not bloody likely, Nozomi thinks to herself. She turns to her sons. 
"Ok, which one first?"

Seems to be Xander's lucky day. 
He's the only one out of four children to have inherited Nozomi's hair, but his facial features all come from his father. 

Speaking of his father...
He recently got promoted, and now is allowed to wear shoes and actual pants
Life is beautiful. 

It's the weekend and Melor is bored. He's read nearly all the books in the house, leaving the cheesy romance novels well enough alone. 
"Mel-mel," his sister clings to his leg. 
He glances down at Marisol. Ever since she learned how to walk and talk, she's been tumbling and blabbering everywhere. 
She looks up at him, hope shining in her eyes. "Mel-mel?" 

He indulges his younger sibling. 
(AN: Awwww) 

Nozomi is grateful to have one less toddler to look after. Right now, she's focused on coaxing Xander's first steps out of him. 
"Come on, little one. Momma's here." 
Her cooing does not seem to be effective. 

Still, she smiles softly as she gazes at her youngest. It's only a matter of time before he's old enough to start school, and when that happens Melor will be old enough to be in high school. The mere thought of any of her kids being old enough to handle a car is enough to make her heart palpitate. 

For now, though, they remain children. 
She's your sister, she's your sister, Melor repeats to himself. 

She's your daughter, she's your daughter... 

With one kid put to bed, the rest soon follow. Taras is glad that all Melor needs is someone to tuck him in and not change his diaper. 

However, Tobias is still "at that age". 
"Good night, Tobias." 
He reaches for his mother, his eyes wide and innocent as they bore into hers. 
"Momma has to sleep, too," she answers his questioning gaze. He frowns as she begins to pull away.

She takes one of his little hands in hers. 
"Momma loves you, Toby." 

AN: I am really far behind where I am in game (all the toddlers in my game can now walk on their own two feet and go to school!) and my sims' funds are tight. While the magic related career rolls have been fun, they really don't make a lot of money. Thankfully, my 2nd generation should be a bit more financially stable... 


  1. I never realized that Nozomi's hair has green tips until you mentioned it's the same as Xander's! But now that I look closely, I can see it :D

    Yay for pants and shoes!

    1. I considered changing her hair style to one that showed off her tips, but I liked how the bun styles looked on Nozomi too much to change it!
